June Liberty Union Meeting

Liberty Union Meeting June 10, 2018
U.U. Church, Derby Line
(and Brattleboro Food Co-op, Brattleboro VT—no minutes available)
Attending in Derby Line:
Reid Kane Kotlas
Attending in Brattleboro:
The following Minutes are from the section of the meeting held in Derby Line

(Section deleted due to icorrect information)

—The campaign manager for James Ellers, candidate for VT Governor in the Democrat
Primary, has contacted Liberty Union to request Liberty Union’s endorsement. Ellers’
campaign has also contacted the Progressive Party with the same request and floated
the proposal that Ellers could be a candidate with the Progressive Party in the General
Election if he fails to secure the Democrat’s nomination.
Following discussion on the question of endorsing candidates from other parties or
allowing a person who is not committed to the principles to which Liberty Union adheres
to be a candidate with Liberty Union, consensus of those present at the meeting is that:
The Liberty Union Party, a non-violent, revolutionary socialist party, does not
endorse candidates in any capitalist party.
All candidates with the Liberty Union Party should be committed members of
Liberty Union, committed to the Liberty Union Platform and the principles that are
its foundation.
2. Reid Kane Kotlas, attending a Liberty Union Party meeting for the first time,
introduced himself. He is a member of Socialist Party U.S.A.. lives in White River
Junction and has been organizing in Vermont and New Hampshire. He has established
a Chapter of Socialist Party U.S.A. in New Hampshire and has initiated an on-line
Socialist Reading and Discussion Group. He is an informed socialist whose activism
arises from concern about the rise of Authoritarianism and Fascism.
Statements and quotes from the ensuing discussion:
—Capitalism is the enemy of democracy.
—Definitions of “Left” and “Right”: Right=property and privilege for a few.Left=egalitarian society.
—Public schools should be sites for democratic practice. Small classes in small
schools, allow students at the elementary level to attend schools in their own
community, thus building community.
—The choice facing the Teachers’ Union: Allow and promote militant caucuses within
the union or be absorbed into the Democrat Party. (Democracy in public schools
includes higher wages for teachers.)
—Addiction is a symptom of a degenerating society.
—Addiction is not a crime. Cops should not be allowed to “police addiction.”
—Decriminalize Poverty
—The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement works to end international
support for Israel’s oppression of Palestinians and pressure Israel to comply with
international law. Liberty Union supports BDS in principle and plans to find actual ways
to do this at future meetings.
—Immigration of people across the southern border of the United States is a
consequence of U.S. policy in Central and South America since the inception of these
nation states.
—Montreal Antifascistes documented the May 19 action at Roxham Road, as well as
other ongoing anti-fascist work. (Update: Montreal Antifascists participated in the June
15 “Solidarity Across Borders” action, also documented on their website.)
4. Upcoming events:
September 9: Liberty Union Party has reserved (to be confirmed) the Dummerston
Grange for a first annual commemoration of the life and work of Liberty Union founder,
Peter Diamondstone.
November 11: Liberty Union will determine how best to oppose the colossal show of
military might being prepared by the current U.S. administration.
Marina is offering to teach secure internet communication. Place and time TBA.
5. Next meeting July 8th, 1:00 p.m. Place TBA.

Liberty Union Party member opinion

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